August 12th, 2006: DC (BUSES leaving from Dearborn, Michigan)

Buses leaving from Dearborn on Friday eve Aug 11 to Join the DC demonstration Aug 12 2006 returning to Dearborn that same Saturday eve. Join the Protest against the war on Lebanon and Palestine.
The Congress of Arab American Organizations (CAAO) met and discussed the continuing war on Lebanon and Palestine. It was decided to go ahead and reserve 10 buses (55 persons each) to participate in the Washington DC on Sat Aug 12, 2006.
Everyone is invited to spread the word about the buses because they need to be filled and the money needs to be raised to cover the cost. Reservations and payment can be made by calling 313-582-4888
Everyone needs to be in the parking lot of Islamic Center of Detroit (ICD) on 14350 Tireman between Greenfield and Schaefer) Or the Islamic Center on Ford Rd and Evergreen on Friday the 11th at 9:00 pm to take a bus. Reservations must be made ahead of time. Price is $75 per person round trip. Individuals who cannot afford this amount and like to go (especially students) should call the above numbers anyway because special arrangements may be made. Buses will leave DC on Saturday 6:00 pm and arrive in Dearborn early Sunday.
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