LadyLushana: Starting Talking to Hezbollah By LAKHDAR BRAHIMI

Friday, August 18, 2006

Starting Talking to Hezbollah By LAKHDAR BRAHIMI

Angry Arab's response:
One of the men that I really despise is Lakhdar Ibrahimi. Here is somebody who speaks like an Arab nationalist when in private with Arabs, and speaks like an admirer of the US when speaking with Americans in New York City. This is a man, like Bill Clinton, who has no core beliefs, whatever. He has been one of the several tools within the UN to be used at the will of the US Empire--look how they dispatched him to Afghanistan to clean up after the American war there. Look at his language here: "The loss of innocent civilian life is staggering and the destruction, particularly in Lebanon, is devastating. Human rights organizations and the United Nations have condemned the humanitarian crisis and violations of international humanitarian law." From his language, you would not even know who committed the aggression. Oh, and he is very boring--in the three languages that he speaks.


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