LadyLushana: A Jihad for Love

Friday, May 02, 2008

A Jihad for Love

I don't know enough about the filmmakers of this film, but I say we at least check it out. nayj


Seeking Interns, Volunteers, Street Team for the May 21st theatrical release of A Jihad for Love at the IFC Center.

We are forming a team of interns and volunteers to promote Jihad for Love an internationally acclaimed documentary about gay Muslims around the world.

To ensure that all of NYC comes out to support the A Jihad for Love launch - we will be working the streets, cafes, bars, clubs, events, schools, gyms, parks, religious centers, subway stops with posters and postcards.

We want to reach many communities - especially Muslim, Arab, South Asian, Iranian, GLBT...
Volunteers would assist in promotion, publicity, and special events. Unpaid internships are available with incredible potential to learn the ins and outs of the independent film scene in NY as well as community organizing and outreach.
To be part of a fabulous team working on the release of one of the most exciting films of 2008, please email:

Shaheen, Director of Outreach, NYC Muslim Community, at: teamjihadforlove@

Please include a paragraph stating why you want to come on board. If you have a resume please include.


Fourteen centuries after the revelation of the holy Qur'an to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Islam today is the world's second largest and fastest growing religion. Muslim gay filmmaker Parvez Sharma travels the many worlds of this dynamic faith discovering the stories of its most unlikely storytellers: lesbian and gay Muslims. Produced by Sandi DuBowski (director of the award-winning Trembling Before G-d), A Jihad for Love was filmed over 5 1/2 years, in 12 countries and 9 languages, "A Jihad for Love" comes from the heart of Islam. Looking beyond a hostile and war-torn present, this film seeks to reclaim the Islamic concept of a greater Jihad, which can mean 'an inner struggle' or 'to strive in the path of God'. In doing so the film and its remarkable subjects move beyond the narrow concept of 'Jihad' as holy war.

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Mahdis Keshavarz
The Make Agency


Anonymous Anonymous said...

also the italian gay site report several stories about muslim gays in italy

8:51 AM  

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