LadyLushana: 2007-01-21

Friday, January 26, 2007

TIMZ: Chaldean hip-hop artist

Already TIMZ, Tommy Hanna, is getting attention from the right wing media for the content of his video. TIMZ is going on national TV tonight, Hannity and Colmes /FOX NEWS/ not a good move unless you want to have your head split open.

My take on his video: It is very powerful but some of it is historially inaccurate. we have to get away from the dessert background. In an interview, he disses hip-hop. I know he is catering to a Chaldean audience but really, he should honor the work of African-American artists who use rap and hip-hop to convey political messages and who have created this genre of popular poetry. Hip-hop has been revolutionary and transformative and should be acknowledged not just co-opted! That said, his piece is powerful and I was happy to hear a Chaldean-Iraqi dissing Bush. about time!
CONGRATULATIONS TO TIMZ and to Ron Najor, filmmaker, for filming/editing the video. nice work, really.

Read this post.

My comments above are based on this article:


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Iraqi Women: Untold Stories from 1948 to the Present

Dr. Nadje Al-Ali is an incredible scholar, and I recommend this book highly! I had the chance to read a draft of some of the chapters. It is an important and welcome book.
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