LadyLushana: 2006-09-10

Friday, September 15, 2006

Peter Werbe: two speaking engagements

Saturday, Sept. 16
Waking Up Green Expo
Peter Werbe will speak at 4pm on "How I Stopped Recycling and Learned to Love It."
A gathering committed to healthy living, environmental sustainability, and social justice at the Universal Mall in Warren,
12 Mile Rd., & Dequindre.

Admission: FREE
10:00 AM - 9:00 PM for details.

SPECIAL PREVIEW of the award-winning new documentary JESUS CAMP
And please join us for a special post-screening discussion with NIGHTCALL host Peter Werbe!
Wednesday, September 27 at 7:15 PM
Landmark's Main Art Theatre
118 North Main Street, Royal Oak

NOTE NEW TIME: PETER BACK ON AIR AMERICA: M-F, Sept. 18-29, New time! 10pm-Midnight. Check for stations and listening on line. In Detroit on WDTW 1310AM.

Thursday, September 14, 2006



posted by Old Bag at 6:59 AM

sand in your eyes, monkey?

I had him listed on my blog as a jack ass ,then I thought, 'I should not be so rude.' After his latest fauning all over the so-called writer Ayaan Hirsi Ali, I am changing him back to sand donkey. "Mohammed" (angry arab) is more harsh --see his clever and appropriate name calling.

Turkish rules

Thanks Free Will/ Rob Brezsny
September 13th, 2006
LEO (July 23–Aug. 22): Every year 1.5 million Turkish students take a day-long college entrance exam. It's a grueling maze of complicated yet often inane questions—an absurd attempt to quantify intelligence with a one-size-fits-all standard of measurement. Three-quarters of all students fail and thus face the prospect of unemployment in a country where only higher education guarantees a decent job. This year a lone rebel rose up in defiance against the oppressive tradition. Sefa Boyar announced he'd strive to give the wrong answer to every question on the multiple-choice test. Naturally, he had to study hard to make sure he wouldn't accidentally get a few right answers. Be inspired by Boyar, Leo. Resist or subvert the soul-shrinking hocus-pocus of a bunch of humans acting like machines. Unlike Boyar, do it in a way that enhances your chance to achieve success on your own terms.

I am working on resisting. nayj

still not done w/ the piece that was due Wednesday.
I am trying to finish it for Friday morning....slacker, procrastinator, fumbler, fool, lazy ass.
nope. it does not help to call myself names.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Stephanie Angeline Loveless

Tom Ness was a comrade in the anti-Iraq sanctions movement, and we both were involved with the Green party here in Michigan (unfortunate for me).

Good to hear news about you, Stephanie, keep on performing. nayj

Upcoming Stephanie Loveless shows:
Thursday, Sept. 14, at Jacoby's, 624 Brush St., Detroit, 313-962-7067.

Saturday, Sept. 16, at the Masonic Temple, 500 Temple Ave., Detroit; 313-832-7100. A dominatrix benefit. 9 p.m. doors. No cover.

Wednesday, Sept. 20, at Mephisto's, 2764 Florian, Hamtramck, 313-875-3627.

Saturday and Sunday, Sept, 23-24, at The Dirty Show, Bert's Warehouse, 2739 Russell St. in Eastern Market, Detroit;

Papa and the secularists

Radical Islam and those troublemaking secularist.
These would not be at the top of my evildoers list.

Pope Benedict XVI "[urged] believers to stand up against the 'hatred and fanaticism' that he said were tarnishing the image of God." quoted in today's New York Times in "Pope Assails Secularism, Adding note on Jihad."

Fundamentalists are scary people even when they are feminists, anarchist, secularists, atheists; however, I'd still rather live in a world of these fundamentalists than Catholic, Muslim, and Jewish extremists. I'd rather function under their reign than Bush's economic and political reign of terror.

“Today, when we have learned to recognize the pathologies and life-threatening diseases associated with religion and reason, and the ways that God’s image can be destroyed by hatred and fanaticism, it is important to state clearly the God in whom we believe,” the pope said.

“Only this can free us from being afraid of God — which is ultimately at the root of modern atheism,” he said. “Only this God saves us from being afraid of the world and from anxiety before the emptiness of life.”

I am a secularist, and I am afraid of the world but it is not because I am godless. It is being those who have kidnapped God are telling us how to think and breathe. They want to take over my bed and my body. Life is not empty--it is full of possibility, hope, reason & unreason. I trust myself to navigate those complexities and contradictions.

The difficulty for me as a leftie secular Arab is I have to navigate the realities of anti-Arab racism. I am going to condemn any act of violence that seeks to subjugate people and lands for its own profit. I am going to condemn those with power first --I am an advocate of nonviolent resistance, but I think it is ultimate arrogance to condemn all acts of armed resistance especially when I sit in the US w/ the home I own and the other rights I enjoy. I am not facing the same struggle that a Palestinian in Gaza is facing. I don't side with the Iraqi insurgents inside of Iraq, but I find bigger fault in the Bush administration's military incompetence at not foreseeing the sectarian nightmare they created. When Saddam Hussein was in power, did these insurgents get into the borders of Iraq? How was this despot able to keep them out, but the great superpower is incapable? Who gave them the right to go into Iraq anyway? No one. People sometimes get lost talking about the now and not HOW we got here. Who is most responsible for all this violence? I say Bush.

Why can the Pope come out and condemn radical Islam but not come out and condemn the extremism of US foreign policies? Why not condemn the preemptive war in Iraq? Israel's bombing of Lebanon? Implicit in his critique of Islam is a wholesale condemnation of the religion itself. These were religious wars against Islam and in the name of protecting Christian and Jewish power.

I'd have to say that there is a great gap between those who live by faith and those who claim to live by reason. The disdain and suspicion runs both ways. How many academics appreciate and respect religious folks? Is there not an implicit and many times explicit judgment that religious people are less intellectual, less informed, less sophisticated or savvy? I won't exempt myself from this sort of thinking. Many times, I rail against my own peeps and think they are fanatical and right wing(they are), and I know more than they know (I do).

marga gomez in ann arbor on 9/14

excuse the short notice!

question: why is she a "notorious" lesbian- Is she notorious because she is a lesbian- Does lesbianism connote notoriety? It is an adjective modifying this noun so I guess I should go see her performance to find out the real deal. unfortunately, I won't be able to attend. nayj
btw, Thanks to Professor Evelyn Alsultany, new Arab American Studies professor in American Culture program at UM-Ann Arbor, for sending me the notice.

Marga Gomez

"Everything I know about Comedy, Theater and Cooking"

Called by the New York Times "a jolt of theatrical electricity," award winning writer/performer, legendary Latina and notorious lesbian Marga Gomez will perform highlights from her stand-up repertoire and two of her solo plays, and discuss her creative process. Gomez has been nominated for both The Drama Desk Award and The Outer Critics Circle Award, received the GLAAD award, and appeared on HBO, Comedy Central, and Showtime.

Co-sponsored by the Department of Theatre & Drama and the Institute for Research on Women & Gender.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Five years later

Check out Colorlines issue on sept 11th and a catologue of previous pieces on 9/11:

  • Five organizers share their reactions to the tragedy.
  • Immigrants and communities of color have faced the brunt of hate crimes, raids and detentions since 9/11

  • Refugee policy is dictated by political objectives, not humanitarian principles.
  • Before the 9/11 round-ups, INS detention had already grown into a system handling 150,000 immigrants a year. Tram Nguyen looks for the connections.

Two for Professor Zero. She has us remember another America and another
Sept 11th: 1973 chile

the one and only time I was pregnant, it was this week, five years ago, twins, only 8 weeks, so according to many idiots, mostly women, I was not 'really pregnant'. [add these wenches to my hit list of yesterday.] yes, my nontragedy is nothing compared to the real TWIN tragedy in New York. I got that already. And since my blog is political, I should not be a big baby and cry about my own personal nonloss. I got that too.

please don't post sympathy comments and also try to avoid vituperative ones--at least here on this topic. attack away on other posts if you are so inclined. There's nothing to talk about.

I think that's why I was so angry & irritated yesterday. That list is real though and the anger is real, so maybe it was just meaningful that I finally posted it this week, and it only took me five years to say it in public.

granted, no one who is on the list knows I have this blog, but things have a way of getting around, so I am sure the jackasses will have the usual radar and find me.

I want that to happen and I really don't want that to happen. I alternate between sadism and masochism, mostly the latter.

yes, i am a feminist even though I call some women wenches. yes, I am an anarchist even though I am in a monogamous relationship and live in a wealthy suburb. yes, I am Chaldean even though I consider myself to be an Arab, a leftie, and anti-authoritarian.

yes, I am avoiding a piece of writing that is due on Wednesday. Goddammit.
yes, I did get off the topic of five years ago. a good thing.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

salve: professor zero's wisdom

I needed that. thanks Z.

personal injury ticket: anger issues again

Add to my dumpster:
  • Chaldean Republicans who voted for Bush and who are pro-US iraqi war. These are the same ones who voted for Bush four times. Two for the father, two for the son & expressed regret each and every single time. amnesia? dementia? delusional? or just so damn loyal to Republican blood? take your pick.
  • white liberals who hate Bush, support Israel, the classic slackers who whine and quote Bart Simpson and never go to anti-war demonstrations
  • mainstream medical doctors
  • lawyers
  • diva academics
  • Lebanese phoenicians and all other Arab deniers (most christians from the ME)
  • judgmental & uptight anarchists (see most vegans)
Leave to decompose:
  • wrongful death attorneys who prey on grieving families
  • 95% of reproductive endocrinologists
  • academic feminists posers who enjoy grand standing and humilating graduate students
  • elitists --top of the list: secular academics, atheists with a superiority complex
  • Catholic fundamentalists
  • Chaldean community leaders who are the thought police
Smash the scum:
  • non-Arab tenured Middle East anthropologists who steal community information
  • pro-war, pro-death penalty, pro-life Chaldean Catholics who refuse to acknowledge the wrongdoing of priests who molested children-- it is a sin to talk badly about any priests.
  • racist anti-arab liberals--selective liberals, f---ed up posers
  • licentious English professors (mostly males) who chase after young, young female students
  • twenty-five faced people who also are usually vicious gossips (see evil anthropologists above)
Feeling a little down. having a hard time with something I have to write and complete, so why not get some venom out? anger is only dangerous when I leave it inside, so I think I won't be getting cancer anytime soon. if you are one of these who fits the description, please get the hell away from my blog and, oh, go to hell too.
Blogroll Nayj! Blogroll RAWI!
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