CNN on Iraqi Gays
As usual, the U.S. is always concerned, first and foremost, about human rights. I wonder why CNN worries about the persecution of Iraqi homosexuals but probably rarely covers a story about an American gay person's dramas living in this country? Could it be imperialist feminisms, liberalisms (as Joseph Massad would argue in Desiring Arabs)? That would be my take. NOTICE the persecution of Iraqi homosexuals INCREASED AFTER OCCUPATION? CNN had to seek this story out and find people willing to go on camera so CNN can, then, protect their identities.
My question: why this story? why now? and how does it fuel the racist fire that "those people" are less advanced, less modern than we are? BEFORE the American invasion, gay folks were safer. The borders of Iraqi sovereignty have become completely weakened, unprotected, so the insurgents INSIDE of Iraq are probably not Iraqis. The daily chaos that includes violent bombings, kidnappings, theft, rape ARE a DIRECT RESULT OF occupation. Targeting of gay individuals is a direct result of occupation.
so irritated by this story but then when is CNN NOT IRRITATING???????
My question: why this story? why now? and how does it fuel the racist fire that "those people" are less advanced, less modern than we are? BEFORE the American invasion, gay folks were safer. The borders of Iraqi sovereignty have become completely weakened, unprotected, so the insurgents INSIDE of Iraq are probably not Iraqis. The daily chaos that includes violent bombings, kidnappings, theft, rape ARE a DIRECT RESULT OF occupation. Targeting of gay individuals is a direct result of occupation.
so irritated by this story but then when is CNN NOT IRRITATING???????