LadyLushana: 2006-08-06

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Lebanese Dearborn speaks out

Friday, August 11, 2006

the baghdad blogger: how to stay alive in iraq (video clip)

Naji Al-Ali

Words Fail: Mayssoun Sukarieh August 11, 2006

U.S. to ship Rockets with "Wide Blast"

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Electronic Lebanon Public Service Announcement (Broadband Video)

you can also view on UTUBE
Libnan forever!!

Israeli Missiles continue to kill mostly civilians

New York Times
August 10, 2006
Sharim Karim/Reuters

Beirut residents chanted slogans on Wednesday during a funeral for 41 victims of an Israeli airstrike on Monday on a large building in the suburb of Chiyah. Israeli missiles struck a mile away as the funeral proceeded.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Calling all Chaldeans (on the Left!)

Jeffrey Joseph Atto from

See our exchange on IA

Despite the fact that my family knows of my left-leanings and sane/rational thought, and
they can be insanely-religious-fundamentalist-christian-republicans at times, they
still respect my viewpoints and we can discuss issues like civilized human beings. JJA

I have always vacillated between wanting to be really radical and living up to my principles and then fearing rejection/attack in our community and then 'hiding out' I am figuring that out right now, so I hope I do. Nayj

Most young, energetic Chaldeans have moved on. They see the shit that our community leaders represent and they decide that it's just not worth it to invest in our identity and culture... but it is a nuanced, beautiful, and rich culture and I believe that we can win them back. JJA

Yes, the fake, granite-eating, designer-wearing 55-faced ass-w's. Nayj

Nice description. I could add to it, but... you said it so well. JJA

I want to be sweet, but then, wait, people keep bombing my peeps. And my other supposed peeps do not give a sh__ about them since they are mMuslims or Black or whatever. Wake up! Do you know that Lebanese,Muslims and Christians, many of them, do NOT consider themselves Arab and disassociate big time? Did that distance save them now? Did Israelis and Americans reward them for their western life and values? Hell no! Nayj

It's amazing to me what the military-industrial-complex JUGGERNAUT can do and how blind most of us really are in this world. And yet Exxon Mobil made 10 BILLION dollars last quarter...more than any other corporation in history, for the 2nd quarter in a row. Look at how Iraq in the 70s and 80s had the most advanced healthcare system in the Middle East (which rivaled the US, ba'ad), and it was free! The higher education system was also advanced, and also free. I know an Iraqi physicist who told me that each year, there were symposia held in Iraq in each of the sub-sets of the sciences and the lead thinkers and scientists from around the world all came to Iraq for these educational conferences, hosted by the ministry of Science. My friend, an Assyrian sculptor, told me of his contacts in New York who would go to Iraq each year for the latest in Art shows and trends, etc. It's amazing to me how the most advanced people who have a 5,000 year history can basically be bombed to hell because of their success, and because they live on a few billion dollars worth of oil. The CIA and the US put Iraq and Iran against each other, armed both sides to the teeth, including giving Saddam CHEMICAL weapons, ... and then years later we invade and bomb and rape with depleted uranium, and then again now we invade and mayhem ensues. Look at the archaeological sites and looting. Look at the breakdown of every facet of society. We live in a sick world where this can be instigated ... 10 years of genocidal sanctions ...all intentional. JJA

GO TO COMMENTS TO SEE Jeff’s thoughts on Arab Identity!

an exchange with a blogger


no to terrorism?
Yes, if we say no to terrorism than we need to say NO to BUSH and to Olmert. Dropping bombs indiscriminately on innocent children in Qana, the place where Jesus performed his first miracle, is an act of terrorism. Dropping bombs and decimating all of Bint Jbeil is a war crime as defined by international law, most countries, and human rights watch.

Chaldeans voted for this piece of crap, but they will not have to suffer for their mistakes. When we talk about the suffering of Iraq, we should talk about all Iraqis not just the Christians. Solidarity goes a long way, and people, Muslims, Kurds, whoever, would trust us more!
peace always,
thanks for your blog and check out mine:
please read my comments on terror --I posted it today, Sunday, August 6.
The IRAQI-American Bloggers should be talking about what is happening in Lebanon!

Response: you're welcome to write whatever you want on your blog. My blog and thoughts are mine and NOT YOURS. I have no business in yours of all I'm concerned. So mind your own business as we say in Australia.

Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 12:47 AM
Subject: Re: no to terrorism?

Aren't the blogs for sharing? You included your email on your blog, so I presume that means that you would welcome back and forth conversation, and that's why I included my blog. Apologies if I offended you. I am just giving you some feedback. IF YOU looked at my blog, you'd see a link to your site.

Obviously, I like your blog, but I was just challenging your ad on terror. I am a professor and am trained to teach and practice critical analysis.

Again, peace to you,

You seem to go pass when I talked about other threats facing Basrawis of all religions. You obviously label people by their religion just like you did when you listed me on your blog. I found that very racist. It's nothing different than calling a black person the N. word.

My blog is my diary. I can write anything I want whenever I feel like. You want to talk about Lebanon or Mars then go for it. But don't force your views on other people.

Calling Chaldeans idiots as you almost did in your first e-mail doesn't give you any points in my book. As a professor, you should have used a cleaner language than the words and the attitude of your first e-mail. I hope you treat your students better than you treat the people you e-mail without knowing anything about them.

Protest in Ann Arbor on Friday, August 11, 2006

Stop the War in Lebanon!

Ceasefire Now!

Join us to call on our government to support an immediate ceasefire

Friday August 11, 4:00 p.m.

Federal Building, Downtown Ann Arbor

(Liberty St. and Fifth Ave.)

Organized by: The Muslim Community Association of Ann Arbor and Vicinity

Co-Sponsored by: Michigan Peace Works, Interfaith Council for Peace & Justice, U of M Muslim Students Association,

E-mail: abouzahr(at)

MIZNA: special issue on Lebanon

Call for Submissions: Lebanon is Burning
Deadline: September 22, 2006

Mizna, the journal of Arab-American literature, will be doing a special issue under the theme "Lebanon is Burning." You do not need to be of Arab descent to submit material, but your work does have to be about the situation of Lebanon.

If you would like your work to be considered for publication, please send four hard copies (up to 2500 words for fiction and up to 4 poems) and a brief biography to:

Mizna, Inc.
2205 California Street NE
Suite 109A
Minneapolis, MN 55418
Alternatively, send your submission and bio via e-mail as an attachment (not in the body of the message) to Please include your name, mailing address, e-mail address, and phone number.

Jewish Solidarity

Nubian Manifesto calls for Solidarity by Khalid Gibran Ali, an African-American muslim.

Empire Comes to Lebanon

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Noura Erakat rocks O'Rielly

Palestinian activist Noura Erakat deals with hostile O'Rielly in an interview

photos of Nablus, Palestine

The Palestine Media Unit is part of Zajel Youth Exchange Program, based at the Public Relations Department of An-Najah National University, Nablus-Palestine.

The Palestine Media Unit seeks to promote Palestinian culture, heritage, history and news. We seek to give a voice to those usually overlooked by a media obsessed with conflict. This is the Palestine behind the news stories. Our mission is to open the door to Palestine to all those who are interested in her past, present and future.

Alaa Yousef

Palestine Media Unit

Public Relations Department
An-Najah National University
Nablus, Palestine
Tel.: +972-9-2394960,
2341003, 2345113
Fax: +972-9-2345982

George Galloway on youtube

Professor Noam Chomsky

Photos of Lebanon

Monday, August 07, 2006

Abeer Qasim Hamza al-Janabi (C) in 1993 with a date of birth of August 19, 1991,


This was not random violence but part of a U.S. military mindset

Demand an Immediate International Criminal Tribunal

Detroit Community Teach-in on August 11, 2006

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Baghdadi in the Solidaire (newly rebuilt downtown Beirut)
where we bought gifts from an Iraqi. DECEMBER 2005

Hashim Al-Tawil's pieces are entitled"Baghdad" and "Jizan"

Voices of the Middle East and North Africa KPFA

Dr. Zeina Zaatari interviews As'ad AbuKhalil, Professor of Political Science at the California State University at Stanislaus about the current situation in Lebanon.

Later in the program, we will bring you a commentary by UC Berkeley History Professor Beshara Doumani entitled "Qana Again: Stop this Madness."

Also on the program, Nadine Ghammache will have a conversation with Lebanese-American poet Elmaz Abinader about "Cease Fire: Words and Music Against the Siege of Lebanon and Palestine

International Protests Against US-Sanctioned Israeli Barbarity

We will rise up! You will not shut us up.
why are all the marches in the U.S. so segregated?
Why don't liberal whites join the marches and protests organized by Arabs and other folks of color? The real lefties, whites, black, arab, puerto rican, whatever their color, are in solidarity with the arab peoples. we are hearing crap talk from some Christian Arabs (not too many anymore), from some fake liberals (two words that should be glued together) who think that if they defend "lebanon," they are pro-hizbollah, and they don't want to be on the side of terrorists. who's the terrorist? [See jackie salloum's Meen Erhabe]


Bush/Rice and Olmert will not shut us up.

we will shut them down. no moral equivalence?
We'll see you in DC & we'll see who thinks
Lebanese, Iraqi, Palestinian lives are not worth saving.

August 12th, 2006: DC (BUSES leaving from Dearborn, Michigan)

Buses leaving from Dearborn on Friday eve Aug 11 to Join the DC demonstration Aug 12 2006 returning to Dearborn that same Saturday eve. Join the Protest against the war on Lebanon and Palestine.
The Congress of Arab American Organizations (CAAO) met and discussed the continuing war on Lebanon and Palestine. It was decided to go ahead and reserve 10 buses (55 persons each) to participate in the Washington DC on Sat Aug 12, 2006.

Everyone is invited to spread the word about the buses because they need to be filled and the money needs to be raised to cover the cost. Reservations and payment can be made by calling 313-582-4888
Everyone needs to be in the parking lot of Islamic Center of Detroit (ICD) on 14350 Tireman between Greenfield and Schaefer) Or the Islamic Center on Ford Rd and Evergreen on Friday the 11th at 9:00 pm to take a bus. Reservations must be made ahead of time. Price is $75 per person round trip. Individuals who cannot afford this amount and like to go (especially students) should call the above numbers anyway because special arrangements may be made. Buses will leave DC on Saturday 6:00 pm and arrive in Dearborn early Sunday.
Blogroll Nayj! Blogroll RAWI!
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